Gripa je virusna infekcija disajnih puteva (organa) koja se lako širi, a prenosi se kapljicama nastalim kihanjem i kašljanjem zaražene (oboljele) osobe. Virus gripe može se prenijeti i ako se zagađenim (kontaminiranim) rukama dodiruju sluznice usta, nosa i oka.
Šta je pandemija gripe?
Virusi gripe imaju veliku sklonost stalnim promjenama. Kada se virus gripe bitno promijeni, svi su ljudi osjetljivi, jer ranije stvorena otpornost (imunitet) više ne štiti od bolesti. Tada se može pojaviti epidemija koja se brzo širi iz zemlje u zemlju, s kontinenta na kontinent i zahvatiti čitavu zemaljsku kuglu i tada se označava kao pandemija. U pandemiji obolijeva veliki broj ljudi, a bolest može biti jednaka ili teža od sezonske gripe, koja se javlja svake godine.
Kako se zaštititi od infekcije virusom gripe A/H1N1/09?
U vrijeme trajanja pandemije gripe treba izbjegavati zatvorene prostore gdje boravi mnogo ljudi i nepotreban kontakt s većim brojem ljudi i osobama koje imaju simptome bolesti disajnih organa.
• Redovno zračite prostorije.
• Pridržavajte se uputa zdravstvenih djelatnika.
• Često perite ruke vodom i sapunom ili koristite alkoholni dezinficijens za ruke (mora da sadrži najmanje 60% alkohola).
• Kada kašljete i kišete prekrijte nos i usta papirnatom maramicom koju nakon toga, kao i nakon brisanja nosa, treba baciti u kantu za otpatke, a ne spremiti u džep ili torbu.
• Ako nemate maramicu prekrijte usta i nos rukavom, a ne rukom ako nemate mogućnost odmah oprati ruke.
• Izbjegavajte doticanje očiju, nosa i usta rukama koje niste prethodno oprali i tako spriječite ulazak virusa preko sluznica.
Pravilno pranje ruku
• Namočite ruke toplom tekućom vodom.
• Nanesite tekući sapun i pažljivo perite makar 20 sekundi dlanove i gornji dio šake, prostor između prstiju, palac, jagodice prstiju i nokte.
• Isperite ruke pod mlazom tekuće vode.
• Obrišite ruke papirnatim ubrusom.
Ako obolite od gripe ostanite kod kuće, ne odlazite na posao, ne vodite bolesno dijete u vrtić i tako smanjite mogućnost prijenosa bolesti na druge.
Ako imate simptome gripe izbjegavajte kontakt s drugim osjetljivim osobama, a ako to nije moguće nosite masku preko usta i nosa.
Kako se zaštititi maskom za lice?
• Prije stavljanja maske operite ruke.
• Pravilno stavljena maska treba da prekrije nos i usta.
• Izbjegavajte često diranje postavljene maske.
• Maska je namijenjena za jednokratnu upotrebu i kada je jednom skinete ne stavljajte je ponovo na lice.
• Skinutu masku odmah bacite u smeće.
• Nakon skidanja maske odmah operite ruke.
• Masku nosite ako imate simptome bolesti i ako njegujete osobu oboljelu od gripe.
Praktični savjeti za izbjegavanje zaraze gripom
• Izbjegavajte zajedničko korištenje ručnika, odjeće, čaša i ostalog pribora za jelo, ako nisu prethodno oprani.
• Odvojite lične stvari oboljele osobe kako ih ne bi koristili ostali članovi porodice.
• Pri dodiru pribora za jelo, posteljine i odjeće bolesnika možete koristiti zaštitne rukavice, ali uvijek nakon takvih postupaka operite ruke.
• Ručke na vratima i ostale predmete u kući i na radnom mjestu koji se često dodiruju rukama povremeno prebrišite alkoholnim dezinfekcionim sredstvom.
Kako se pripremati za prijeteću pandemiju gripe?
• Ako ste hronični bolesnik osigurajte dovoljnu količinu lijekova koje redovno koristite u količini dostatnoj za dva mjeseca. Na taj način izbjeći ćete odlazak u ambulantu i mogući kontakt s oboljelim od gripe.
• Ako vam je potreban savjet ljekara, nazovite telefonom umjesto odlaska u ambulantu uvijek kada je to moguće.
• Nabavite lijekove za sniženje temperature.
• Ako u kućnoj apoteci „slučajno“ imate antivirusne lijekove (TAMIFLU) nikako ih ne smijete koristiti. ANTIVIRUSNU TERAPIJU UKLJUČUJE INFEKTOLOG.
• Ne uzimajte antibiotike bez preporuke ljekara; oni ne djeluju na virus gripe; koriste se samo za liječenje bakterijskih komplikacija.
• Ako imate malo dijete, u apoteci nabavite pripravke za pripremu otopine za rehidraciju.
Koji su simptomi gripe A/H1N1?
• povišena tjelesna temperatura,
• grlobolja,
• kašalj,
• glavobolja,
• umor i bolovi u mišićima,
• curenje iz nosa ili začepljenost,
• nekad bolovi u trbuhu, mučnina, povraćanje i proljev.
Šta učiniti ako obolite od gripe A/H1N1?
• Telefonskim putem kontaktirajte svog porodičnog ljekara, koji će vam dati savjet; ako je potrebno dogovoriti dolazak u ambulantu ili kućnu posjetu. Samo teže ili teške slučajeve oboljenja i bolesnike kod kojih je došlo do komplikacija će biti upućeni u bolnicu.
• Pridržavajte se savjeta ljekara.
• Pijte dovoljno tečnosti.
• Jedite lako probavljivu hranu.
• Izbjegavajte alkohol.
• Snizite povišenu tjelesnu temperaturu.
• Ako je potrebno uzmite lijekove protiv bolova.
• Ne zanemarite svoju redovnu terapiju ako ste hronični bolesnik.
• Poseban oprez potreban je kod oboljele djece, trudnica i teških hroničnih bolesnika.
• Pratite upute objavljene u medijima ili na internetskim stranicama.
Izvor: Ministarstvo zdravstva Kantona Sarajevo
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| |2024-03-24 00:51:20 vaporesso vape kits - SAVJETI ZA PREVENCIJU, ZAÅ TITU I LIJEÄŒENJE OD PAWhere can you find some of the best tasting CBD gummies in the UK? Easy, you can find them all here on Orange County CBD. Our range of CBD gummy bears and CBD sweets are a delicious and discreet way to get your daily dose of CBD. We stock only vegan CBD gummies, making them accessible to everyone! What Are CBD Gummies? CBD gummies pair all the benefits of CBD with the great taste of gummy sweets. Made using our multi-award-winning CBD and the finest, vegan-friendly gummy recipes, our CBD gummies are the easy to dose, easy to take and undeniably delicious - making them the perfect choice for newbies! All of our CBD gummy sweets come with a recommended dose right on the label. However, the number of gummies you take in a single session may vary depending on your own health and wellness goals. If you’re unsure how many gummies you should eat, you can check the recommended dosage guide on the back of the pack. Generally, the larger the pack, the more CBD potency it provides. Numerous fa...
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| |2024-03-24 19:43:36 elfbar ultra orange soda - SAVJETI ZA PREVENCIJU, ZAÅ TITU I LIJEÄŒENJE OD PAThe rate of uptake for CBD varies, depending on a few factors, such as age, weight, metabolism, and the type of product you use. CBD gummies have medium absorption, meaning they are typically felt after 20-30 minutes. Each person reacts differently to CBD, so you may find it can take shorter or longer for the CBD to be absorbed into your system.We recommend up to 3 gummies per day for the 300mg regular strength jar or 2 gummies per day for the 900mg high strength jar. Depending on the strength you choose, you can expect the following doses per gummy:Regular Strength CBD Gummies, 300mg: each CBD Gummy is 10mg CBD.High Strength CBD Gummies, 900mg: each CBD Gummy is 30mg CBD.Our CBD Gummies can be enjoyed alone or they're great to mix and match with our CBD Oils and CBD Capsules.We know our gummies taste delicious and it would be easy to eat the whole tub in one go, but it is important you limit yourself to make sure you do not take too much CBD. We recommend taking no more than 70mg a...
| |2024-03-24 19:53:41 uwell neat - SAVJETI ZA PREVENCIJU, ZAÅ TITU I LIJEÄŒENJE OD PAAt first, many customers may have asked themselves, “Are CBD Sweets legal?” The answer is an absolute yes. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has stated that products containing under 0.2 THC should be distributed freely. Regulators in the UK have not classified CBD as a food, cosmetic, or medicinal, indicating that it can be bought and sold without issue. The hemp used to create these tasty treats are all grown in Colorado, a state notorious for its legal cannabis and hemp cultivation. These premium plants are held to the high standards of the CO state regulations. The plant material is processed and infused into our premium products in GMP facilities that produce food-grade products. The importation of these hemp products is legal, while the extraction of cannabinoids from any hemp plant is still not allowed in the UK. Although the nation is turning to other sources to procure its medicinal cannabis and hemp supply, there will be a wait before we can cultivate our own UK grown pl...
| |2024-03-25 01:34:08 wick liquor banshee - SAVJETI ZA PREVENCIJU, ZAÅ TITU I LIJEÄŒENJE OD PAAt first, many customers may have asked themselves, “Are CBD Sweets legal?” The answer is an absolute yes. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has stated that products containing under 0.2 THC should be distributed freely. Regulators in the UK have not classified CBD as a food, cosmetic, or medicinal, indicating that it can be bought and sold without issue. The hemp used to create these tasty treats are all grown in Colorado, a state notorious for its legal cannabis and hemp cultivation. These premium plants are held to the high standards of the CO state regulations. The plant material is processed and infused into our premium products in GMP facilities that produce food-grade products. The importation of these hemp products is legal, while the extraction of cannabinoids from any hemp plant is still not allowed in the UK. Although the nation is turning to other sources to procure its medicinal cannabis and hemp supply, there will be a wait before we can cultivate our own UK grown pl...
| |2024-03-25 05:03:47 how many hits are in a lost ma - SAVJETI ZA PREVENCIJU, ZAÅ TITU I LIJEÄŒENJE OD PACBD edibles provide all the wellness-promoting benefits of CBD in a tasty, on the go treat! If you're new to CBD, edibles are a great option if you don't like the taste of CBD oil or struggle to swallow capsules. They also offer an easy way to track and tailor your CBD consumption to best suit your needs. From CBD Jelly Domes to CBD Dark Chocolate Balls, we provide premium, broad-spectrum CBD edibles to satisfy your sweet tooth while delivering all the benefits of CBD. Decide which CBD edible is right for you and get started on your CBD journey!CBD oil has a natural, earthy flavour which for first-time users can be quite unpleasant. This flavour is masked by CBD edibles which are a fun way to enjoy your daily dose of CBD at home or on the move. That being said, we also offer a range of flavoured CBD oils if you’re looking for something more palatable.The main difference between CBD oil and CBD edibles is the rate of absorption. CBD edibles have a delayed onset because your body take...
| |2024-03-25 10:38:34 sweet tobacco - SAVJETI ZA PREVENCIJU, ZAÅ TITU I LIJEÄŒENJE OD PACBD gummies UK are a form of CBD edibles. These are foods containing the natural compound cannabidiol (CBD), derived from the cannabis plant, and form an easy, tasty, and discreet way of ingesting CBD on a regular basis. Although we can't legally support these claims, many people anecdotally consume CBD gummies for anxiety on a regular basis as an easy and convenient way of helping to control and ease their anxiety levels. Our products are made with the purest ingredients, and they are pharmacist formulated to ensure efficiency. Once the items are ready for sale, they have been sent for lab-testing by third party facilities. These tests examine the cannabinoid, THC, and contaminant profile of our fantastic products. For our popular CBD edibles, we opt to use the finest broad-spectrum CBD extracted from Colorado-grown hemp. The signature formula used to create these CBD gummies boosts the delicious sweet flavours while eliminating the hemp taste. Snack away on these cannabidiol suppl...
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